Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, can Chiropractic help?
A common cause of back pain is due to dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint or as it is commonly called the SIJ.
The sacroiliac joint is located at the lower part of your back and connects the sacrum (tail bone) to one of the ilium’s (pelvic bone).
There are two sacroiliac joints – one on each side. The SIJ’s act to transfer weight from the spine to the pelvis and also allow for a small amount of movement to occur.
A lot of people call this back pain or hip pain but it is separate to these although they can occur together.
Pain in the sacroiliac join
Pain in the sacroiliac join is one of the most common causes of low back pain.
It can occur for many reasons such as a trauma that has applied excessive force through the joint/s.
This can be due to falling, bending, lifting, arching or twisting movements especially when there is a load applied.
Pain can also be caused by repetitive forces over time such as poor posture.
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction can be quite uncomfortable and painful due to their location and the amount of force that goes through the joints.
In some cases the pain resolves within a few days but commonly without treatment it takes a long time to resolve.
Chiropractors are experienced at identifying and correcting problems in the joints of the spine and pelvis.
We aim to not only find the source of the pain but also address the reasons why this pain came about in the first place.
When a joint becomes misaligned, restricted or ‘stuck’ it can not only cause discomfort or pain, but can also cause interference to your nervous system.
This in turn inhibits the proper function of your nervous system and individual nerves which can again cause pain and symptoms.
Chiropractic treatment of the sacroiliac joint may involve:
Mobilisation and adjustments of the sacroiliac joint and surrounding joints
Low force techniques such as drop piece and activator
Soft tissue therapy to involved muscles and ligaments
Exercises to do at home
Postural advice
Lifestyle advice
The recovery time for sacroiliac joint dysfunction varies from person to person and depends on a number of variables such as severity of injury, daily activities and compliance to Chiropractic care and exercises.
Here at Hawker Chiropractic in Canberra our Chiropractors take the time to thoroughly assess your condition to find the cause of your low back pain.
We then tailor treatment to suit your individual needs so that we can get you back to doing the things you love.
If you need help with low back pain or pelvic pain don’t hesitate to give us a call on (02) 62553711